Laura Smith
Team Leader,
Dorset HealthCare University NHS Foundation Trust
Laura has experience of 20 years working in the NHS in a variety of clinical roles. As both an Occupational Therapist and a Registered Mental Health Nurse, Laura has worked in a variety of settings spanning community care, acute hospitals, the ambulance service, mental health inpatient, and community and patient safety. Laura is currently a Clinical Violence Prevention Specialist, working across NHS settings.
Laura is passionate about reducing violence and aggression within the workplace to improve the experience of both patients and staff. She is a Trauma Management (TRiM) practitioner and is passionate about ensuring that the physical, psychological, and emotional safety of both staff and patients is embedded in organisations through trauma-informed practice.
Laura is passionate about reducing violence and aggression within the workplace to improve the experience of both patients and staff. She is a Trauma Management (TRiM) practitioner and is passionate about ensuring that the physical, psychological, and emotional safety of both staff and patients is embedded in organisations through trauma-informed practice.