Zitko Attend Pride and reflect on EDI practices
Our presence at London Pride held further significance for Zitko as it was the ideal vibrant and welcoming platform for us to kick off July - our month dedicated to EDI. While we were honoured to participate in London Pride’s 50th anniversary and reflect on how far things have come in building a more loving and tolerant society, it was a poignant signifier of what more there is to do until each of us can feel completely safe and accepted. Zitko is dedicated to being part of this progression, starting by ensuring we are an equal, diverse and inclusive company that leads by example for the rest of the industry.
The pandemic caused a shift in society’s perception of individual needs and, as the effects from the disruption are still being felt, the need for empathy and special considerations is greater than ever. This need rightfully extends to the treatment of staff by management.
Zitko has always understood the importance of EDI in our business, however the unprecedented upheaval of the last few years has caused us to focus on its implementation with renewed determination. That is why we have a number of measures in place to make our company inclusive to those with disabilities and mental health conditions. Our Work From Anywhere policy enables staff to carry out their duties from wherever is most suitable for them, meaning anyone can be part of our company without the constraints of inadequate accessibility playing a role. In addition, our Flexitime policy was implemented so Zitko can fit around the individual, not the other way around. Whether it’s because of a disability or a mental health condition, people may need time away during the workday for a multitude of reasons, with each reason being unique to the individual and their circumstances
To support it's team, the Zitko Leadership Team embarked upon on the Mental Health First Aider Course to improve their own understanding and train our next generation of managers on its contents. This decision was made to assist the leadership team in spotting any warning signs earlier, and better understand poor mental health in others to enable them to support each and every member of the Zitko team in the best way possible.