The Security Event Announces 'The Access Control Theatre’ hosted by world-leading authority
The creation of the theatre is part of Lee’s bid to unite the global access control and smart lock community and fuse them into discussions centering around the most pressing security questions of the modern day. Whether that’s unpicking the evolving challenges or opportunities involved in the delivery of security projects throughout the supply chain or discussions around partnerships, it’s the place to be.
The Security Event itself is set to welcome over 300+ world-leading brands showcasing their leading-edge technologies and solutions to an engaged audience of over 10,000 visitors across the security sector. The event forms part of the ‘Safety & Security Series’ consisting of 850+ exhibitors and 35,000+ visitors collectively protecting people, property and assets.
Lee Odess, CEO of The Executive Brief comments: “The industry has moved away from thinking about security as just keeping bad people out and locking and unlocking. It’s also about letting the right people in and creating value beyond the traditional value propositions. With end-user satisfaction a high-priority, it’s time we made the way we enter and leave buildings more personal, secure, and convenient. To do so, we need to invest in forward-facing and modern security solutions, like access control.
I’ve created the Access Control Theatre to facilitate not just the move towards prioritising the end-user, but to discuss, develop and learn from trends across the global industry. There’s some awesome innovation going on beyond just iterative technology development, and it’s time we talked to each other.”
Peter Poole, Sales Director at The Security Event & Professional Security Officer Live, adds: “We’re delighted that Lee Odess has chosen The Security Event to host the Access Control Theatre to engage with the entire UK security community. He brings extensive sector knowledge and experience from his previous roles at Brivo, at self-founded Group337 and Allegion. Now, he also brings an objective take on the space, unaffiliated directly to any organisation. He’s a figure of subject matter authority and unrivalled observation.”
To secure tickets for the event, click here.
To learn more about Lee Odess and The Executive Brief, click here.
Further information
About Lee Odess
Lee is a globally renowned access control influencer, thought leader, consultant, speaker, and author who has spent his career reimagining the role of access technology in modern connected living experiences. He curates the industry's access control executive brief, where he condenses and examines key facts and trends affecting the industry in an easily understandable manner, informed by his extensive sector knowledge.
About The Security Event
The Security Event is the UK’s No.1 Award-Winning Commercial, Enterprise & Domestic Security Show. Launched in 2019 in partnership with nine founding partners at the forefront of the industry, The Security Event has rapidly established itself as the ‘premier’ UK security trade-show.
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