Just launched, ASSA ABLOY’s Incedo™ Business access control system for small to medium businesses, the universal access control ecosystem that incorporates software and hardware into a single management platform.
Incedo is an access control system that can adapt to a business’ individual security needs. Businesses can benefit from one system that links all security solutions a building may have and integrate them into one easy to manage system.
Access control regulates how people can enter and exit a building and can offer insights into the movements of staff and contractors. Incedo includes a personalised interface that combines hardware with a cloud-based system offers a high level of security and operational benefits, including access management and audit trails.
As well as integrating existing systems, Incedo can also adapt to work with future hardware if a business decides to invest in new security equipment, which includes both Abloy and third-party products. This allows the system to easily adapt with time, saving businesses reinvesting in a new operating system in the future.
Businesses are increasingly understanding that a locking solution can offer far more than just a method of securing a building, and connectivity offer greater control. The impact of a lost or stolen mechanical key is that the room or building is no longer secure. With Incedo, a lost or stolen key can be revoked via the management platform, removing all threats of unauthorised access.
Access control offers the flexibility and fluidity that businesses need. When employees or contractors require access to areas of a building, Incedo delivers connectivity and simplicity to manage the movement of people. The purpose is to create safe surroundings and protect the people and goods within the workplace.
Incedo benefits everyone, from installers to end users. Facilities managers can enjoy increased control of the premises and detailed audit trails of employee’s movements. The management software will provide information on who, when and where an area is accessed in real time.
End users will have an individually programmed keypad access code or card reader that will provide access all areas they are authorised to enter. In addition, those that require everchanging access rights can have increased access granted in a matter of minutes, which also can be provided with a timed access feature.
Incedo is a future proofed solution, with scaling capabilities more individuals and access points can be added to the system by system integrators. The software also integrates to all security elements of the business, including CCTV, to combine the data into one place rather than in multiple systems. Incedo can update and adapt when new hardware is introduced.
Businesses all have their unique security challenges, hardware and software configuration is tailored to your needs, and can be changed when needed. New Incedo-enabled hardware from Abloy UK and third-party provider are accessible within the Incedo platform.
To find out more about Incedo and other new products and services available from Abloy UK, register for our virtual exhibition https://bit.ly/2YKAHq9 which opens on 8th July 2020, visit our website www.abloy.co.uk, call 01902 364 500, or email info@abloy.co.uk.
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Issued on behalf of Abloy UK by Edson Evers LLP, The Hollies, 120 Newport Road, Stafford, ST16 1ET.
For further information please contact Rebecca Cousins at Edson Evers LLP on Tel: +44 (0) 1785 255146 Fax: +44 (0) 1785 211518 or email Rebecca.cousins@edsonevers.com