XPressEntry - Emergency Evacuation Mustering
XPressEntry handheld readers proudly lead the industry with the most access control integrations and proudly lead the industry with the broadest support for badge technologies.
Access Control Integrations: AMAG, Apollo, Avigilon, Bosch, Brivo, Dahua Technology, Dormakaba, DSX, Gallagher, Galaxy, Genetec, HIRSCH, Honeywell, ICT, IDenticard, IDentiv, LenelS2, MAXXESS, Nedap, Open Options, PACOM, Paxton, RS2, Siemens, Spica, Suprema, TKH Security, Tyco | CEM Systems, Tyco | Kantech, Tyco | Software House, & Vanderbilt.
Security Badge Compatibility: Low Frequency (LF), High Frequency (HF), Ultra High Frequency (UHF), Active, HID Prox, iClass, iClass SE, SEOS, Indala, EM, CasiRusco, Securakey, FarPointe, PIV, BLE, Mifare, Mifare CSM, DESFire, Felica, Legic, ISO 14443, & ISO 15693.