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The Security Event

8 - 10 April 2025 | NEC Birmingham, UK

Exhibitor Product Showcase

Security Cameras

31 Jan 2023

Ajax MotionCam Outdoor

DDS (Digital Direct Security) Stand: 5/C70

Wireless motion detector with a built-in camera, that notifies the owner of the first signs of home or office intrusion. The detector is fastened to the wall in front of the doors and other places likely of intruder entry. It transmits a photograph in under 9 seconds, and can see in the dark using its built-in infrared. MotionCam Outdoor PhOD can take a series of photos by request of the user from the Ajax mobile app, regardless of the security mode. Requires Hub 2 or Hub 2 Plus for operation.


  • Intruder Alarms & Detection
  • Home Automation
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The Safety & Security Event Series

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